

Your support matters

Rittenhouse Sound relies on gifts from our supporters to enable us to present concert experiences that delight our audiences.

 Why Rittenhouse Sound needs your support

Attending our performances is a great way to support us! However, show sales only underwrite a portion of our expenses. To keep live music alive in our community, consider the following:

  • The programs you enjoy are made possible in part by our experienced artistic director: his work directly supports the programming we provide to our community. A gift of $25 would provide a portion of the resources needed to get him in front of the ensemble each week.

  • Purchasing the sheet music, legal rights, and audio learning materials to perform one piece of music can cost as much as $250, and we may program five, six, seven brand new songs in each concert. A gift of $100 would help underwrite the purchase of the actual music that reaches your ears.

  • We rent our performance and rehearsal venues, and costs continue to rise. A gift of $200 or more would underwrite our site rental.

No matter your level of giving, be assured your tax-deductible contribution is an important building block for the future of Rittenhouse Sound and our local community. We cordially and humbly invite you to share in the joy of spreading harmony throughout Philadelphia and beyond!

Rittenhouse Sound is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. Your donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by the law.

Looking to support us by buying gift cards through our RaiseRight™ gift card fundraiser? Go here >